LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico has established a new contact with the project LIFE Lungs in Lisbon, to generate a new opportunity for collaboration between projects and establishment of synergies.

The LIFE Lungs project, which is based in Lisbon, Portugal, has as main objectives the adaptation of urban green infrastructures to events of extreme precipitation, flooding and water scarcity, through water management measures and improvement of soil absorption; the increase in carbon sequestration promoting the creation of rainfed meadows with biodiversity and increasing tree cover; the creation of urban green infrastructures to mitigate the effects of heat waves, implementing solutions based on nature; betting on biodiversity, soil conservation and regulation of the water cycle and promoting public awareness.

To achieve these objectives, the project promotes a series of actions that have already been carried out since 2020, such as the improvement, installation and exploitation of biodiverse rainfed meadows, the distribution of flocks of sheep as a non-mechanical urban agent for vegetation control and soil conservation, a series of water management measures, the increase in the density of arboreal spaces throughout the urban green infrastructure of Lisbon and the transfer and replication of the results of the project, as well as makes the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico.

Through the synergies with this and other projects, LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico continues to strengthen its visibility, incorporating new knowledge from other projects and publicizing the successful initiatives that are being achieved in Lugo.