The parade celebrated last January 4 with the presence of Os Bolechas brothers in the city of Lugo has been a success of assistance and welcome among the smallest ones of the city.

More than 500 people accompanied Os Bolechas on his walk through the city from the San Marcos square, passing through the Rúa da Raíña and the Praza Maior, as well as for the subsequent give away, at O ​​Vello Cárcere, of the book Os Bolechas fan un barrio multiecolóxico en Lugo, which was distributed free of charge among the attendees. In this story, Os Bolechas brothers participate in the construction of ecological and sustainable housing and give advice to the youngest ones to transform their home and their city into more sustainable places.

The event was also attended by Mayor Lara Méndez, municipal spokesman Miguel Fernández, the councilors of Cultura and Benestar Social Carmen Basadre and Ana González Abelleira. The provincial deputy of Relacións Institucionais Álvaro Santos and the assistant to the Vicerreitoría de Coordinación do Campus de Lugo para a Investigación, María Elvira López Mosquera. also attended.

This parade and the edited book are part of the outreach Foro Verde that LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico has been developing for the awareness of the project among the residents of Lugo. Specifically, this is one of the events organized to make the project known to the youngest public.