One of the objectives of the LIFE program is the establishing synergies between projects in different countries with similar objectives. With this, projects can exchange information and data between them and maximize the experience of others.

With this goal in mind, next Thursday 6th June will be a meeting in Lugo with the project LIFE EMU NEW, who will visit the plantations and receive training on our LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project.

This project, which is being developed in Poland, aims to recover polymers from plastic waste for the preparation of bituminous emulsions reusable in road construction. Currently Poland is one of the European countries with the highest plastic production ratio per inhabitant (60kg per person), and thanks to LIFE EMU NEW, the recovery rate of plastic waste will increase.

With the information we gather from each other in this meeting, we will be able to continue to improve our strategies to fight against climate change.