Networking with other projects: LIFE DRAIN RAIN

Continuing with the activity of the networking with other projects, LIFE Lugo+Biodynamic received this Wednesday LIFE Drain Rain project managers at the facilities of the City Council of Lugo. Specifically, technicians of Control and Studies, associated beneficiary of the project. LIFE Drain Rain has as main goal...

Reception of hardwood plantations and energy crops in Gándaras

Today the act of reception of the works of installation of demonstrative plots for native hardwood forest and experimentation with energy crops in urban environments for the production of solid biofuels in the form of chips, located in the Gándaras industrial park, took place. These two...

Participation in the MAPAMA Workshop on Urban Forests

"Rethinking the future of Cities: Trees are revolutionizing cities around the world", is the motto chosen this year by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), focusing on the role of cities in the future and especially on the protection of urban...

Networking with other projects: LIFE CERSUDS

Among the actions of LIFE projects, networking with other projects is included. This action is an important part of the LIFE Lugo+Biodynamic project, to promote the exchange of experiences and good practices between cities of solutions for the adaptation of urban environments. In this context, on...